
The divine feminine stream
The divine feminine stream

Paris then begins to tell us how things started to go bad between her and her love. Neither one truly looks happy because they are still in the grips of their karma. The Masculine continues to dance with her but it is almost as if they are both under a spell, just going through the motions. The masked individuals glare at the two as they dance displaying the material world/lower ego’s desire to block the Masculine and Feminine from coming together in union. Paris (the Feminine) and her Masculine are without masks but their expressions are still stoic and emotionless. The masks are a representation of the the false identity we all assume when navigating the matrix reality through our lower ego.


We see the Masculine courting her as they dance together in a room full of people with masks. We see her sitting at a table of food (representing the material world) with a Masculine who appears empty and despondent she then begins to tell us her side of their story. The video begins with Paris wiping a tear drop of blood from her eye.

the divine feminine stream

This dance of death has been occurring for lifetimes and it is finally time for both parties to clean things up so that they can come into Sacred Union. The telling of this tale is very timely as the Feminine collective is now working to heal and release the old cycle of betrayal, deceit, and abandonment by her Masculine Counterpart. In this video we experience the perspective of the Feminine’s ego. Time then, remains a feminine principle-as ephemeral as consciousness itself.Paris Jackson (Michael Jackson’s daughter) recently released a music video for her song ‘Let Down.‘ Art is a means of explaining what is going on in the human collective consciousness (Astral Realm) and this video/song tells the story of the betrayal of the Feminine by her Masculine. As many of us know, this 23° angle is responsible for our seasons. But what of the circumference? Well, in this case arc is a reference to axial tilt, or in other words the angle between Earth’s rotational axis and her orbital axis (which oscillates over time). The diagram below expresses time as a function of the length of the radii. This initial phase takes 11 years, and after another 11 years the magnetic field’s orientation returns to where it began. Throughout the Sun’s 22-year magnetic cycle, the polarity of the Sun’s magnetic field gradually flips. If we use 22 as the MASTER NUMBER above and below, then we can see how often the Moon and Sun are reborn in Earth years. Indeed, the Metonic cycle is 19 solar years long after which the phases of the Moon recur on the same day. As we watch the sunrise, we are reminded that another revolution has been made as we circle the Sun. Seshat was the goddess of TIME characterised by seven circles that formed a hexagon:Īs a symbol of time itself, we can apply some dimensions to it: The awareness of time passing means that we are conscious. True to this, your initiation will likely take place in a limestone temple with female dimensions (the vesica piscis) or within the sacred waters of a cenote, cave or cavern. You will be rebirthed from a womb into consciousness that is as vast as the cosmos itself-this is the divine feminine. So the formlessness of being the goddess is a feminine principle. You can witness your ego as an “it there” while simultaneously being aware of your greater self. And guess what? It is exactly the same as YOUR consciousness only VASTER. As a human being, you can therefore experience the awareness of the goddess within the temple. If you enter a sacred space that has been designed properly (like Denderah) then the temple is a place where the goddess resides on Earth.

the divine feminine stream

This is the divine secret of the universe. Life is therefore partly a FEMININE principle. This is bad news for most Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. You are misled because consciousness is FORMLESS. Sadly, if your beliefs are based on a male God, male prophets or male priests then you as a worshipper are lost.

the divine feminine stream

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “God has no religion”.

The divine feminine stream